Sharon as Writer & Author
Sharon L. Benedict, MS

Following the brutal deaths of her father and brother, Laura steps off the ship in New York’s harbor in 1898. At 18 years old, she begins her quest to be free from poverty, prejudice, and disease still haunting her Ireland home. Frightened but determined, she meets her first love. She then plunges into the shadowed corridors of Wall Street and champions those struggling with suffocating tenement living and the corruption that surround them. With courageous faith and the love of her life, she breaks through “The Street’s” permeating Irish and gender walls to build a life of wealth and redemptive purpose for herself and others.
Sharon has written for many local, regional, and national publications throughout the years. Her writing passion rests in helping others celebrate their own life journey each day.

She writes for a variety of publications, including her own byline, From the Heart, Lifeskills for Today, for a regional Texas Hill Country newspaper. These weekly articles are also posted as blog articles on her website and Facebook page. She also has written articles for an integrative medical journal, Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal, from a wellness coach’s perspective. Examples of her articles are below.
Wellness coaching: a life coach’s collaborative approach to integrative healthcare (April, 2005 – VOL. 4, NO. 2)
How Practitioners Do and Don’t Communicate, Part I (December, 2007 – VOL. 6, NO. 6)
How Practitioners Do and Don’t Communicate, Part II: Generational Trends Impacting a Wellness Practice (February, 2008 – VOL. 7, NO. 1)
How Practitioners Do and Don’t Communicate, Part II (continued): Ways Generational Trends Impact a Wellness Practice (April, 2008 – VOL. 7, NO. 2)
Her own published story, In Daddy’s Eyes, offers a chronicle of her wellness journey to gain back her health and life. Her odyssey took her through the meandering maze of complementary/alternative medicine and conventional medicine.
Found in these hallowed corridors of medicine Sharon met patients like herself seeking answers to their own medical mysteries. Life always has its surprises and hidden mysteries. Sharon began her journey discovering those hidden mysteries in her own life . . . walking through her lost childhood and failing health to emerge into a whole new world of possibilities filled with faith, forgiveness, and a fulfilling life.
Sharon’s life’s work as a Professional Lifeskills Consultant & Life/Wellness Coach is reflected in her published book, Celebrating Your Journey, Lifeskills in Synergy (CYJ). CYJ brings together everyday responsibilities with your long-awaited dreams & goals. This valuable self-paced book takes you through twelve lifeskill dimensions we all face each day–your relationships/core values, how you use your time, choose your career & manage money, keep records, even housekeeping, your possessions or “stuff,” your health/wellness, sharing mealtime, childcare, how you play/have fun, reflection, and celebrating each day. No matter the occupation and age, these lifeskill areas are where you spend your time and life. CYJ is available at most all online booksellers.
She has also written articles for a variety of art & business related publications, such as Crafts Report Magazine, Working Craftsman, and San Antonio Business Journal. Today, Sharon continues her newspaper byline, Celebrating Your Journey Blog, and other books in the making.