Other Writings

Sharon has written for many local, regional, and national publications throughout the years. Her writing passion rests in helping others celebrate their own life journey each day.

She writes for a variety of publications, including her own byline, From the Heart, Lifeskills for Today, for a regional Texas Hill Country newspaper. These weekly articles are also posted as blog articles on her website and Facebook page. She also has written for an integrative medical journal, Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal, from a wellness coach’s perspective. Linked examples of her articles are below, including Sharon being interviewed.

Be sure to check out her Writer page for an overview of Sharon’s writing journey. And check out her Amazon Author Central Page!

Interview with Sharon Benedict: Physicians no longer need be alone in their quest to help patients with major lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, weight loss, fitness goals, and dietary changes. Wellness coaches can play a supportive role in an integrative health team to encourage and motivate patients toward permanent change. IMCJ asked Sharon Benedict, a wellness coach in San Antonio, Texas, to share her insights.

(click image to request article copy)

Are you ready to change the foods you have in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer? If you are, this latest edition of diverse food pantry items will prove invaluable. On this one page, you will be able to easily inventory your supplies to assess the variety and whole foods you will be stocking. Just check off what you already have; then you will know what unchecked items to buy.

Have you ever been curious about how our body parallels our spiritual journey through life? I know I have. For anyone who has gone through chronic or life-threatening health challenges, that curiosity is up close and very personal. I can testify do that curiosity, even desperation of knowing the answers to the what, why, how, when, where, and how questions that have mounted over the years. May this study be a blessing to those who are facing seemingly insurmountable health challenges, ongoing crises in our world today, and find urgency in finding remedy for our deadly spiritual and physical ills. There is hope. For God’s mercy and justice still prevails.

(Click image to download study)

When God sends us into our promised land (this side of Heaven), be assured that there are giants there…strongholds of the enemy that determine to hold on to your land. These giants continue to hold on to the land when God’s people are either unaware of the source of their struggle…The following two studies name in detail the “giants” in your land, our nation, cities, neighborhoods, families, and our own churches. These enemies of old are conquered through your intimate fellowship with your Triune God and your willing obedience to His Will. With God’s help, we win!

(Click image to download study)

Wellness coaching: a life coach’s collaborative approach to integrative healthcare (April, 2005 – VOL. 4, NO. 2)
(click image to request article copy)
How Practitioners Do & Don’t Communicate, Part I
(December, 2007 – VOL. 6, NO. 6)
(click image to request article copy)

How Practitioners Do and Don’t Communicate, Part II: Generational Trends Impacting a Wellness Practice
(February, 2008 – VOL. 7, NO. 1)
(click image to request article copy)
How Practitioners Do and Don’t Communicate, Part II (continued): Ways Generational Trends Impact a Wellness Practice
(April, 2008 – VOL. 7, NO. 2)
(click image to request article copy)