Thought for the Day – Dec 30

My molecules dance to the minutes
They dance to the hours, they dance to the days
While my DNA stands still for a while.
My molecules dance to the seasons;
they dance to the years,
while the DNA yawns
These tiny universes swirl in their own unity;
They do not sleep.
The years fly and gather and become decades,
then scores, then centuries.
Whence goeth the DNA that is mine?
The molecules will become like the trees of Lebanon,
Like the innumerable grains of sand.
Juanita Herff Chipman, Artisan, Writer, Poet

[Excerpt from Where Went My Want To?
thought for the day calendar by Sharon L Benedict]

What Others Say . . .

Interesting and fun quotes for each day, well done and thought provoking. I enjoy the book every morning.
Paula LP