Powerful Questions for 2018 . . . Week 24

Here we are mid-June and summer in full swing! So, while you all stay cool in whatever way you find yourself, let’s see how we respond to the next seven questions for week twenty-four of 2018. As with all the questions this month, they will challenge us with this month’s lifeskill, Housekeeping. These questions are offered by Bob Tiede at At Leading With Questions, from wisdom leaders around the nation and world.*

*Source: Marc Chernoff’s list of questions,
Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself in 2018.

Question 1: What or who has been distracting you?

On the “what” side, anything can easily distract me from housecleaning! Just to name a few . . . writing my byline, weaving on my next fiber art project, going to an art museum, touring historical buildings, or creating another website for someone. On the “who” side, it’s so much more fun to talk with my friend, Carolyn, my daughters, and of course my grandson! I easily find any excuse to give them a call for a distracting but delightful chat.

Question 2: What makes you weird?

Just ask anyone who knows me well. Hopefully, their “weirdness” description will be a positive thing for others and myself.

Question 3: Who impresses you?

Any Cleanie! Check out Sandra Felton’s Messies Anonymous for her whimsical but so true “Cleanie” definition. I am perpetually impressed by my friend, Carolyn. No matter what dilemma or life transition she goes through, she always has her house in order. She even has her moving boxes neatly stacked and organized as she is about to move into her new cottage! Now, that is the quintessential definition of a Cleanie!

Question 4: What have you done that you are not proud of?

For someone who has coached so many over the years on improving one’s lifeskill behavior, housekeeping is one lifeskill area I do not excel. I even don’t reach the acceptable level at times! That’s when I find myself not proud of shoving the dirt and grime under the rug and couch just so I can do something else I find more satisfying. Maybe I need to hire a Housekeeping Coach!

Question 5: What is missing in your life?

What a perfect question segue of my response to Question 4! I don’t need a housekeeping coach. I need a maid. Problem solved!

Question 6: What are you an expert at?

Making excuses! And maybe not even giving more than a few housekeeping duties much thought at all. That works for me. What works for you? I know one threshold that gets me moving. It’s when the spider webs have collected enough of their upcoming meals in the hall corners and closets and just can’t be ignored any longer! What is your threshold?

And when it comes to spiders and other crawling critters, I have an expert in the house. My hubby, John, is a retired Entomologist and Naturalist at heart. Whenever a “cute” little critter shows up, I never deprive John of identifying the critter. He then promptly removes them from the premises at my request.

With living in the countryside, he delights in finding any number of critters. He actually keeps some for a while in a terrarium to observe and feed. Eventually, he lets them go to return to their rural outdoor dwellings (except for a few best not to have them near human habitation).

Question 7: What’s one downside of the modern day world?

So many housekeeping gadgets and unhealthy products claiming to make housecleaning so much easier but don’t! I always end up getting back to the basics . . . vacuum, mop, dust rag, vinegar, baking soda, and a hint of bleach on occasion.


Now, it’s your turn again to choose what or who distracts you, impresses you, and makes you an expert when you think of “housekeeping” and your “home!”